OK, so today I went to do my bit to determine in some small part, the future of the country I so loved. Since the polling station for me is very near, I just walked there together with my sister. We walked for about 15 minutes. These 15 minutes I had used to reflect which political party I want to vote for. I looked around my housing area and ponder upon what had been done by the current government to make MY life more comfortable. It was a very interesting walk, and thank goodness the sun was not very hot this morning! So it was a relatively leisurely walk.
I looked at the road leading to my house is in good condition. Many years ago, this was not the case. It once was littered with potholes and we have to swerve left and right to avoid these holes. Our neighbourhood has a house break-in problem that is difficult to counter at the moment. Many people suspected that it is caused by the workers working in a construction site nearby but this cannot be confirmed since we do not have any evidence. Who is their right mind would want to go and confront the burglars when they are doing their deeds?! That is almost like suicide in a world where life is so fragile. When the police was called, they came, but of course, like in the movies, they always come after all the action is over. :)
I am actually pleased the main road outside our housing area had finally been converted from bi-way to four lanes! This project had been in progress for the longest of years but now that it is done, the traffic jams and road accidents had been reduced tremendously. Now, you can't say the government is doing nothing.
If you are wondering who did I vote for in the election, don't. Because I'm not going to tell. I can tell you this much though: the current government had done good, but not great. Gripes will always exists regardless of which government is in power. That is a way of life I had came to realise and live with. So who did I choose? The road I walked from my house to the polling station revealed that to me. :)