Wednesday, April 23, 2008

My Beercan is Here!

No... I'm not turning into an alcoholic. By "Beercan", I meant the venerable Minolta's legendary telephoto zoom lens. The actual name of this lens is Minolta AF 70-210 f4 (32) - quite a mouthful, I have to admit. But why the nickname "Beercan"? Well, because it literally looks like a can of beer! This is the lens mounted on my Sony A100 dslr:

You can see just how big this lens is, by comparison to my Sony A100 dslr. They really made it huge back then. A lot of metal & glass for the money.

Why all the fuss about this lens? Well, for one, the bokeh (blurr out effect) created by this lens is simply mind-blowing. It is very smooth. Here are some fast & simple shots to demonstrate the nice bokeh from this lens. I had only resized these photos and had not done any other post-processing to them at all.

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